Monday, October 29

House Issues

We heard back from the house inspectors and there are several issues that need to be addressed. The roof, siding, joist damage and water under the house all need to be remedied in the next 1-2 years. Unfortunately, we do not have the finances to fix all of them. We were hoping the owner would pay for some of them, but she may not and could back out of the deal. If you could once again pray for wisdom in deciding what to do and that we would have peace if we have to walk away from this lovely house. It is just a house, we don't need it, but we would like it. God knows what lies ahead and we need to trust Him with our finances and decisions. Thanks!


Cathy said...

Nice house! the big word. God DOES know best, even when it hurts. We'll be praying for God's best for you...and see what happens! Keepus all posted!

Sarah said...

((Melissa)) Praying for you guys as you wait and see what God has in store...