Tuesday, May 26

Sunny Weekend

The weather was amazing this Memorial Day weekend. Those of you who live in the Northwest I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it.

Sunday marked the annual Ski to Sea race in Whatcom County. We got to watch the bikers come down Main Street and pass the “baton” to their fellow teammates who then canoed down the Nooksack  for 18 miles. Last year the river was too high so they canceled the canoe leg. It was neat to finally be able to see the boaters. We then grilled out (a term I learned from my midwest friends) and tossed a frisbee around. A couple Canadian friends later stopped by, it was a fun day!

I painted my laundry room too. I was tired of white so now it is a greenish color. The paint color is called Brown Buzz but it is not brown, which is funny. It looks like a different color every time I see it. I don’t have much luck with paint colors either (Julie :)) but I think I like this one.

Memorial Day next up….










Ed / Julie said...

Got any brown buzz left? I'd love to see how it looks in my bathroom, now that I'm starting from square one! :) Glad you got to see the Ski to Sea race - if Ed hadn't had to sing in choir we might have considered skipping church this year. Maybe next time...

Melissa said...

Sure, I have a little left if you want to try it. It is green (greyish green?) for sure, if you like that. We were able to see a lot of the race after church, probably started watching it around noon.

Ed / Julie said...

Grayish green sounds like a possibility. :) Can you send it with Todd? Your check should be coming via Todd soon also - soon as I remember to actually physically hand it to Ed instead of just assuming he'll see it lying on the counter and take it with him. ;)

Cathy said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Enjoy that sun! Love the pictures of the starfish too...beautiful colors!...congratulations, Auntie!