Monday, August 25


To experiment with more container gardening, I planted a few potato “eyes” in pots awhile back. The plants grew rather quickly and within a couple months I was able to dig them up. The plant pictured below was taken only after a few weeks and ended up getting about 2 feet tall. I read online that you should only plant from seed potatoes because you risk disease from store bought ones. I bought one small red seed potato from a local food stand and from that one spud I got about 5lbs of potatoes! It was a fun experiment and pretty cheap too :)






Darlene said...

Isn't it fun to dig up all those little treasures! You got a great crop. Will you be planting more next year? :)

Ed / Julie said...

That is so awesome! I've always wanted to grow potatoes, but have been scared to try. Which local stand did you buy your seed potato? What's your favorite recipe for those potatoes?

Ed / Julie said...

I mean, FROM which local stand did you buy your seed potato? I should never try to write complete sentences while being used as a jungle gym by a two-year-old.

Cathy said...

Yumm, new red fave! We're definitely going to include potatoes in our new raised bed garden next year!