Wednesday, August 4

16 Weeks

For those of you who need to see my growing belly, here you go. I could not get a good focus on my face since these were self portraits. If you need to see my chubby, tired face I’ll try to get Todd to take a picture someday, no promises :) My goal is to take similar shots every month so you can see the progression.

So far everything is going well. Baby’s heartbeat is strong and hopefully in the next four weeks I will start feeling little Roo move.

**I have been MIA for awhile because of feeling sick and tired. I think I may be starting to feel better for which I am extremely thankful but I am still really tired.




Darlene said...

Glad you are feeling better :) Your energy should return too! Enjoy seeing your feet for a little while longer :) Love ya, Mom

Jessica said...

Very fun! :)

Cathy said...

Oh, thank you Melissa! Love to see your growing little 'roo! Love the hydrangea too! :-)