Ada is growing like a weed, a very tall weed. She is off the charts for height and at this rate will be taller than Todd as an adult. Hopefully it will slow down a little :) She is talking more and more as to be expected and loves to help when she can. Ada has been saying “that sound?” whenever she hears something new or is curious. She also has the sweetest singing voice, especially when she sings Jesus Loves Me.
Ada was a big help when getting our Christmas tree this year. She found the prefect tree from the map and even helped Todd cut it down. She then got to ride in the cart all the way back to the car with her prized tree. The next day, after mom decorated, Ada decided to rearrange (multiple times) the lower-half ornaments her way and now the tree is perfect :)
Working on Hawaii pictures…should be up before next summer ;)